
How Long Does it Take To Get an LLC in Florida?

Florida’s LLC approval process takes 2-5 business days for online filing and 3-4 weeks for mail-in filing from beginning to end. Florida does not have expedited filing.

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Florida LLC Approval Time (2023)

Filing Options

Approval Time

Expedited Filing  

Florida State Fee

Filing Online

2-5  business daysNot available in Florida$125

Filing by Mail

3-4 weeksNot available in Florida$125


The LLC approval time is the amount of time it takes from the moment your formation documents are filed until your LLC is approved. The time it takes the state of Florida to process your LLC formation documents and enter them into their records is included in the LLC approval time.

If you file by mail, this period also includes the document’s transit time. You can quickly submit and download formation documents using the Florida online filing portal Sunbiz. The online filing provides a quicker turnaround.

LLC processing time in Florida

The time it takes the state of Florida to evaluate your LLC formation documents and enter your data into their systems is known as the LLC processing time. This only represents how quickly the state processes formation papers and excludes transit time.

The Division of Corporations in Florida processes paperwork that can be mailed or submitted online through their Sunbiz portal. Depending on how you file your documents, processing time may vary:

Online: Sunbiz takes 2-5 business days for processing
Mailing time: 12 business days + mail transit time. Approval in 3-4 weeks
Remember that processing time is only a portion of the approval process and does not account for the time it takes for the documents to travel. For estimating how long it will take to form your LLC after submitting your formation documents, the LLC approval time is a better guide.

Online LLC formation services
Although it won’t shorten the time it takes for your LLC to be approved, a professional LLC service can spare you the headache of filing paperwork. By hiring a professional, you can be sure that your LLC paperwork will be completed correctly the first time around.

Some LLC formation services, like Northwest, even provide registered agent services, allowing you to utilize their address and conceal your own address.

3 Recommended LLC Formation Services: Filing prices from $0 + state fee

Google Profile of Northwest Registered Agent

Expedited filing for Florida LLC approval?

Florida doesn’t provide quick filing. Online filing is advised for the fastest service. Your company should receive approval in 1-2 business days if you file electronically.

How much is the state filing fee in Florida?

The $125 filing fee is due when you submit your Florida articles of organization. Checks should be made payable to The Florida Department of State if you are paying by check.

In addition, you have the option of paying an additional $30 for a certified copy and a further $5 for a certificate of status. A certificate of status demonstrates that your entity is complying with state laws, whereas a certified copy is a copy of your formation document that has been endorsed by the state government to help provide further validity.

Steve Andrew is EntityFiling's main writer and editor.

Steve is an expert in business development and management with 14 years of business consulting experience. He assisted clients with LLCs and Registered Agent services using his business management degree.

Steve speaks and writes about business growth opportunities worldwide.
